JOY! A photo of my three beloved mutts together, from left to right: Angel, Trooper and Zoe. This is the storybook ending I was hoping for: The three of them together, happy and healthy.
This is the only electronic photo from a recent photo shoot at The Hungry Hound in Somerville. The rest of the output is in print format and is a SURPRISE Christmas gift for my husband. Let me tell you, bathing three dogs on the sly, coming up with an excuse to get them all out of the house for three hours, escorting them in shifts into the storefront and getting them to pose for the photographer was quite the project!
Post photo shoot, things got a bit dicey. Angel is being treated -- again -- for Lyme disease. I got her tested because she was lethargic and seemingly stiff in her back leg. She's taking three weeks of one antibiotic and six weeks of another.
The plates in Trooper's twice-broken front leg are shifting a bit and causing him to limp. He's taking Rimadyl to ease the pain and inflammation. We are waiting for the surgeon to review the new x-rays and let us know what, if anything, can be done. As per the vet's instructions, we trying to keep Trooper resting quietly. It's not easy. Part of Trooper's charm is his tendency to literally bounce through life. So it's wait and see ...
1 comment:
Your husband deserves a 'tummy rub' just for attempting, let alone succeeding, in getting that picture. And a 'scratch behind the ears' for the really talented photographer.
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