Friday, November 02, 2007

Dog Mobility

Top of mind: Having three large dogs limits mobility. I wouldn't trade them for anything, but it is making vacation (off to the Carribean shortly), Thanksgiving at Dave's parents, Christmas with Dave's daughter, Danielle, and the holiday visit to Dave's family hard to plan for and very expensive. The way I see it, we'll be spending an extra $1,200 on dog sitting between now and year's end.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sweet Shadow

Shadow, the little Lassie-come-home miracle who had brightened our lives since April of 2006, died on July 29, 2007. Dave and I are bereft.

Shadow was pure joy: Always wanting to engage, flirt and cuddle. Following us from room to room. Never taking seriously her place in the pack (number four of four) .

We grieve Shadow.